Based on the ballad Mrs Twardowska by Adam Mickiewicz
Shorter version of the story about a Polish nobleman who sold his soul to the devil in exchange for eternal life and magical powers. Unfortunately, after years of evading his fate, he was eventually tricked by the Mephistopheles… Would he be able to save his skin and avoid the hell’s oppression and what will be the role of his dearest wife – titled Mrs Twardowska?
Premiere: 10th of February 2015, Celebrating Diversity in Scotland – Polish Culture and Language, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh
Adopted and directed by Pat Zajac
Cast: Mikołaj Figiel, Natalia Rybicka, Pat Zajac, Alicja Pyzik, Weronika Krawczyk, Natalia Kozyra, Marysia Wojtyło, Sandra Biernaciak, Wiktoria
*Production in collab with Youth Group Theatre run by MOS
Post-show review from Richard Demarco CBE:
I wholeheartedly recommend your outstanding work in creating a much-needed theatre company for Polish children living in Scotland. All the children involved have proved conclusively that they have benefitted from being involved in your theatre programmes. They have come to understand clearly their Polish, and therefore their European, cultural heritage.
Your extraordinary commitment to your theatre provides me with all the proof I need that every human being is an artist, particularly when they are young and that the experience of being involved in the theatre in itself is a perfect example of how the language of all the arts is vital to the education of young people at primary and early secondary levels. You deserve all the support possible from the Polish community in Scotland, and indeed the people of Scotland who have clearly benefitted from the physical presence of the burgeoning Polish community.
I was deeply moved by your theatre’s contribution to that memorable event in the Scottish Parliament. I only wish that all the member of The Scottish Parliament could have shared my experience. I am fully prepared to help you in every way that I can.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Richard Demarco CBE